Advanced Plot Example Language Arts What Is Compared in the Play Sorry Wrong Number

Purbanchal Universtiy 1st sem English language answers.

Course championship: Business English                                                                                                         learning 60 minutes: 48

Credit hour: 3                                                                                                                                Area of study: foundation

Course objectives: This form aims at developing the students' business management and economics confidently in environments related to business management and economics and enhancing critical ability and soundness of judgment.

Specific objectives: on completion of this course, the students volition e able to:


Understand concepts and issues in the diverse sectors of business, management and economic science.


Discuss these topics.


Write on these topics.


Think critically and base judgments on such thinking.


Examine and analyze texts critically.

Class description: this course comprises two basic components;


Business organization English component


Literary component

Business English language component:


Unit ii: Piece of work and motivation


Unit 3: Management and cultural diverseness


Unit of measurement 6: Stocks and shares


Unit 7: Marketplace  construction and competition

Literary component:


Unit 1: nosotros are all scientist                                  T.H. Huxley


Unit 2: 3rd thought                                          Due east.V. Lucas


Unit 3: Love is fallacy                                        Max Shulman


Unit 4: The great answer                                    Fulton Oursler


Unit of measurement 5: Ballad of the landlord                           Langston Hughes


Unit six: Holy sonnet 14                                       John Donne


Unit 7 : Sorry, incorrect number                            Lucille Fletcher

Text books:

Ian Mackenzie 1997," English for business studies" , Cambridge university printing.

Ed. Shreedhar Lohani Et Al "Critical and Creative Thinking".

Ed. Lohani and Adhakari,1997 "Jos of reading", MK publishers.

Ed. Moti Nissani, Shreedhar Lohani,"Adventures in English", Ekta books, ktm.


The groovy answer


What is the great answer to the riddle of life? Explicate. Can you lot call up of one incident where you helped where you helped yourself by selflessly helping others? [The peachy respond] 2005- 16marks


Oursler believes that the incident he describes 'The swell answer to the riddle of life'. What is the groovy respond? Draw a similar incident that you may accept experienced in your life. 2006,2007,2010- 16marks


What is the bulletin of the story, The Corking answer? Tin you cite any experience from your own life to support the message of the story? 2008- 16marks


'The peachy answer' by oursler is an illustration of a forgotten incident of world history. Give the historical background of this story. 2011- 8marks.


We are all scientist


Explain how the essay, "we are all scientist" captures the nature of science and information technology similarities to ordinary experience. 2007-8marks


What pictures of American life do you go from the play, sorry incorrect number? 2008-  16marks


Sad, wrong number tin can be seen a commentary on life in faceless, fragmented, modern American cities. Discuss this argument with examples from the text. What practice you lot think is the message of the play? 2009- 16marks.


Is sorry wrong number a realistic play? Is it possible, for instance, for a caller to accidently overhearing a conversation between two other parties? Is it possible for Mrs. Stevenson to never fully grasp that she is the intended victim? 2010- 16marks.


What is hypothesis? Huxley says 'some hypotheses are better than others.' How? 2011-8marks.


Honey is a fallacy:


Discuss the fallacious reasoning in the story. 2005- 16marks.


How does the fallacious reasoning affect our everyday lives? 2006- 8marks


The story, "Dear is Fallacy" provides a delightful, if extreme, illustration of how fallacious reasoning can touch on our everyday lives. Discuss the beguiling reasoning in the story. 2007, 2010- 16marks


What kind of daughter is polly? Is she actually stupid? Give reasons for your answer. 2008- 8marks.


What is fallacy? Discuss any five fallacies mentioned in the story, love is a fallacy. Your answer must include at least one example of each fallacy. 2009, 2011- 16 marks.


What is fallacy? Explain the different types of fallacies in 'love is fallacy' 2010supplementary- 16marks.


Third thought:


'….the point of this narrative resides not in bargaining with collectors but in bargaining with my soul.' Explain? 2005, 2007- 8marks.


The narrator says: 'Buying and selling are a perfectly direct frontward matter between dealer and customer. The dealer asks as much equally he thinks he can exert and the client having paid it is under no obligation whatever to the dealer.' Explain this statement. Practice you agree with the narrator? Describe the commercial practices in your state. 2006- 16marks.


Why does the narrator of the story in third thought continue irresolute his mind? 2008- 8marks.


What do you hateful by monologue? Why does the narrator of the story "3rd Thought" keep irresolute his heed? 2010- 8marks.


Describe the characteristics of a businessman and the business policies that Due east.Five Lucas discusses in his story "Third Thought". 2011- 8marks.


Carol of the landlord:


Explain the content of the poem, 'Ballad of the landlord'. 2006, 2007 - 8marks.


Is Ballad of the landlord, a protest poem? Give reasons for your reply? 2008, 2009 - 8marks.


How does the poem 'Ballad of the landlord' reverberate the whites' authorization over the blacks in America? 2010- 8marks.


Describe ballad of the landlord as a protest poem with an indictment of color discrimination in America? 2011- 8marks.


What irony is implied in the championship of the poem?


Holy sonnet XIV:


Discuss the paradox in the poem. 2005, 2010supplementary - 8marks.


In one paragraph, explicate the significance of, 'Holy sonnet 14', to you. 2006, 2007- 8marks.


Why does the poet want god to "batter" his heart? Why does he ask God to exist harsh on him? 2009- 8marks.


What is paradox? Discuss the poem 'holy sonnet 14' as a paradoxical poem. 2010- 8marks.


Sorry, wrong number:


What is the plot of one act play? 2005, 8marks.


What makes the plot of the story, 'pitiful wrong number' captures the reader's undivided attention? 2006-8marks.


What pictures of American life do you get from the play, sorry wrong number? 2008- 16marks.


Sorry, wrong number tin can be seen as a commentary on life in faceless, fragmented, mod American cities. Talk over this statement with examples from the text. What exercise you think is the message of the play? 2009, 2010, 2011- 16marks.


Is sorry wrong number is a realistic play? Is it possible, for instance for a caller to accidentally overhear a conversation between two other parties? Is it possible for Mrs. Stevenson to never fully grasp that she is the intended victim? 2010supplementary- 16marks.

Literary component

                                                4 levels of interacting with a text


Literary comprehension :                                                                   (sum and substance)

To understand what the text is maxim. Information technology is the concise or synoptic retelling of the text in our own words.


Interpretation :                                                                                                     (fragrance over gilded)

                                                Decipher the text across the plot. We may ask questions such every bit:

Tin can some points of the text be extended beyond those directly touched upon by the writer?


Disquisitional thinking :                                                                                  (To split up the wheat from the chaff)

                         Thinking is a purposeful mental action. Critical thinking refers to the processes and methodologies that utilize reason, insight, awareness, imagination and sensibility to criticize or evaluate the text.



Where did author go wrong?


Why can't I or other readers accept the things of text?


What can I have?


Assimilation :       (Message of the text)

What is the meaning of the text for me?

Nosotros are all scientist


T. H. Huxley


 Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) made his reputation as a marine biologist while serving as a transport's surgeon off the coast of Northern Australia. Afterward he turned to the written report of fossils, especially those of fishes and reptiles. He became a leading supporter of Darwin'due south and Wallace's evolutionary theory. Following a detailed study of anthropology, he published Man's Identify in Nature (1863), and coined the discussion agnostic to draw his views on organized religion. Huxley was a supporter of education for the less privileged and argued for the inclusion of science in the school curriculum. The brothers Julian Huxley (Nobel Prize winner in biology) and Aldous Huxley (the well-known novelist and essayist) are his grandchildren.

This charming essay was written a long long time ago (1863), yet it nonetheless beautifully captures the nature of science and its similarities to ordinary experiences.

The method of scientific investigation is nix but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the man mind. It is merely the way at which all phenomena are reasoned about, rendered precise and exact. At that place is no more than divergence, between the mental operations of a man of scientific discipline and those of an ordinary person, than in that location is betwixt the operations and methods of a bakery or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales, and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and circuitous assay by ways of his residual and finely graduated weights. Information technology is non that the action of the scales in the one case, and the rest in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but the beam of one is set on an infinitely finer axis than the other, and of grade turns past the addition of a much smaller weight.

Yous will sympathise this better, maybe, if I give you some familiar example. You have all heard it repeated, I dare say, that men of scientific discipline work by means of induction and deduction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, wring from Nature sure other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, they build upwardly hypotheses and theories. And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common listen can be past no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be caused by a sort of special apprenticeship to the arts and crafts. To hear all these big words, you would think that the mind of a human of scientific discipline must exist constituted differently from that of his beau men; but if you will not be frightened by terms, you will discover that you lot are quite incorrect, and that all these terrible apparatus are being used past yourselves every day and every hour of your lives.

At that place is a well-known incident in one of Moliere's plays, when the author makes the hero express unbounded please on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life. In the same way I trust that yous will take comfort, and exist delighted with yourselves, on the discovery that you have been acting on the principles of anterior and deductive philosophy during the same catamenia. Probably there is not i here who has non in the course of the mean solar day had occasion to gear up in motion a circuitous train of reasoning, of the very aforementioned kind, though differing of course in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.

A very trivial circumstance will serve to exemplify this. Suppose you go into a fruiterer's store, wanting an apple—y'all take up one, and, on biting information technology, y'all notice information technology sour; y'all look at it, and come across that it is hard and green. You take upwardly another i, and that too is hard, green, and sour. The shopman offers you a third; but, before biting it, you examine it, and find that information technology is hard and green, and you lot immediately say that y'all will not have information technology, as information technology must exist sour; like that yous accept already tried.

Nothing can be more than simple than that, you lot think; but if you lot will take the trouble to clarify and trace out into its logical elements what has been done past the mind, y'all volition exist greatly surprised. In the offset identify, you have performed the functioning of induction. You found that, in two experiences, hardness and greenness in apples went together with sourness. Information technology was so in the first case, and information technology was confirmed by the second. True, it is a very small footing, simply still information technology is enough to make an induction from; yous generalize the facts, and you expect to find sourness in apples where you get hardness and greenness. You found upon that a general law, that all hard and dark-green apples are sour; and that, and then far as information technology goes, is a perfect consecration. Well, having got your natural constabulary in this style, when you are offered another apple which you lot find is hard and greenish, yous say, "All hard and dark-green apples are sour; this apple is hard and green, therefore this apple is sour." That train of reasoning is what logicians call a syllogism, and has all its various parts and terms—its major premise, its minor premise, and its conclusion. And, by the help of further reasoning, which, if drawn out, would accept to be exhibited in two or three other syllogisms, you go far at your final determination, "I will not have that apple." And so that, you encounter, you accept, in the kickoff place, established a constabulary by induction, and upon that y'all have founded a deduction, and reasoned out the special conclusion of the detail case. Well now, suppose, having got your law, that at some time afterwards, you are discussing the qualities of apples with a friend: you will say to him, "It is a very curious affair just I find that all hard and green apples are sour!" Your friend says to you, "But how do you know that?" You lot at once respond, "Oh, considering I have tried them over and over once again, and have always found them to be so." Well, if we were talking science instead of common sense, nosotros should call that an experimental verification. And, if still opposed, you go farther, and say, "I accept heard from the people in Somersetshire and Devonshire, where a large number of apples are grown, that they have observed the same thing. Information technology is too found to be the case in Normandy, and in North America. In curt, I find it to be the universal experience of mankind wherever attention has been directed to the bailiwick." Whereupon, your friend, unless he is a very unreasonable man, agrees with you, and is convinced that you are quite right in the conclusion you lot accept drawn. He believes, although peradventure he does non know he believes it, that the more extensive verifications are—that the more than frequently experiments take been fabricated, and results of the same kind arrived at—that the more varied the weather condition nether which the same results are attained, the more certain is the ultimate conclusion, and he disputes the question no further. He sees that the experiment has been tried under all sorts of conditions, as to time, identify, and people, with the same result; and he says with y'all, therefore, that the law you take laid down must be a skilful one, and he must believe it.

In scientific discipline we do the same affair; the philosopher exercises precisely the same faculties, though in a much more than delicate manner. In scientific inquiry information technology becomes a matter of duty to expose a supposed law to every possible kind of verification, and to take care, moreover, that this is done intentionally, and not left to a mere accident, equally in the case of the apples. And in scientific discipline, as in common life, our conviction in a law is in verbal proportion to the absenteeism of variation in the result of our experimental verifications. For example, if you permit get your grasp of an article you may accept in your mitt, it will immediately fall to the basis. That is a very mutual verification of one of the best established laws of nature—that of gravitation. The method by which men of science establish the existence of that law is exactly the same as that by which we have established the piddling proposition virtually the sourness of hard and dark-green apples. But nosotros believe information technology in such an extensive, thorough, and unhesitating manner because the universal experience of mankind verifies it, and we can verify it ourselves at whatsoever fourth dimension; and that is the strongest possible foundation on which whatever natural police can rest.

So much, and then, by way of proof that the method of establishing laws in science is exactly the same as that pursued in common life. Let the states now plough to some other matter (though really it is but some other phase of the same question), and that is the method by which, from the relations of certain phenomena, we prove that some stand in the position of causes towards the others.

I desire to put the case clearly before yous, and I will therefore show you lot what I mean by another familiar example. I will suppose that one of you, on coming down in the morning time to the parlor of your house, finds that a teapot and some spoons which had been left in the room on the previous evening are gone—the window is open up, and you find the marking of a dingy hand on the window frame, and mayhap, in addition to that, you observe the impress of a hobnailed shoe on the gravel outside. All these phenomena have struck your attending instantly, and before ii seconds have passed you say, "Oh, somebody has broken open the window, entered the room, and run off with the spoons and the teapot!" That voice communication is out of your oral fissure in a moment. And you will probably add, "I know he has; I am quite sure of it!" You mean to say exactly what y'all know; but in reality you are giving expression to what is, in all essential particulars, an hypothesis. Y'all do not know it at all; it is naught but an hypothesis rapidly framed in your own listen. And it is an hypothesis founded on a long train of inductions and deductions.

What are those inductions and deductions, and how have yous got at this hypothesis? You have observed, in the showtime place, that the window is open; just by a train of reasoning involving many inductions and deductions, you lot accept probably arrived long before at the general law—and a very good one it is—that windows practice not open of themselves; and you therefore conclude that something has opened the window. A 2d general law that you lot have arrived at in the same way is, that teapots and spoons practice not become out of a window spontaneously, and y'all are satisfied that, as they are not at present where you left them, they accept been removed. In the third place, yous expect at the marks on the window sill, and the shoe marks exterior, and you say that in all previous feel the erstwhile kind of marking has never been produced by anything else merely the hand of a human being being; and the same experience shows that no other animate being but homo at nowadays wears shoes with hobnails in them such every bit would produce the marks in the gravel. I do not know, even if we could discover any of those "missing links" that are talked almost, that they would help us to any other conclusion! At whatever charge per unit the constabulary which states our present feel is strong enough for my present purpose. You lot next reach the conclusion that as these kinds of marks have non been left past any other animals than men, or are liable to be found in whatsoever other mode than by a homo'south hand and shoe, the marks in question have been formed by a man in that manner. You lot have, further, a full general law, founded on ascertainment and feel, and that, likewise is, I am distressing to say, a very universal and unimpeachable one—that some men are thieves; and you assume at once from all these premises—and that is what constitutes your hypothesis—that the man who made the marks outside and on the window sill, opened the window, got into the room, and stole your teapot and spoons. You have now arrived at a vera causa ; you take causeless a cause, which, it is plain, is competent to produce all the phenomena you have observed. You can explain all these phenomena but by the hypothesis of a thief. But that is a hypothetical decision, of the justice of which you have no accented proof at all; it is only rendered highly likely past a series of anterior and deductive reasonings.

I suppose your get-go activity, assuming that you are a homo of ordinary common sense, and that yous have established this hypothesis to your ain satisfaction, will very likely exist to get off for the police, and ready them on the rails of the burglar, with the view to the recovery of your property. Just just equally you are starting with this object, some person comes in, and on learning what y'all are about, says, "My good friend, you are going on a great deal too fast. How do y'all know that the man who really made the marks took the spoons? Information technology might accept been a monkey that took them and the man may have merely looked in afterwards." You would probably respond, "Well, that is all very well, simply you see it is contrary to all experience of the manner teapots and spoons are bathetic; so that, at any rate, your hypothesis is less likely than mine." While you lot are talking the thing over in this manner, another friend arrives, one of that adept kind of people that I was talking of a footling while ago. And he might say, "Oh, my dearest sir, you are certainly going on a great deal also fast. You lot are most presumptuous. Yous admit that all these occurrences took place when you were fast asleep, at a fourth dimension when you could not possibly have known annihilation nearly what was taking place. How do you know that the laws of Nature are not suspended during the dark? It may exist that there has been some kind of supernatural interference in this example." In signal of fact, he declares that your hypothesis is one of which you cannot at all demonstrate the truth, and that y'all are by no ways certain that the laws of Nature are the same when you are asleep as when you are awake.

Well, now, you cannot at the moment respond that kind of reasoning. You feel that your worthy friend has you somewhat at a disadvantage. You will experience perfectly convinced in your own listen, notwithstanding, that you are quite right, and you say to him, "My good friend, I tin can only be guided past the natural probabilities of the case, and if you volition be kind enough to stand aside and let me to laissez passer, I will go and fetch the police." Well, we volition suppose that your journeying is successful, and that by good luck yous meet with a policeman; that eventually the infiltrator is institute with your belongings on his person, and the marks represent to his mitt and to his boots. Probably any jury would consider those facts a very good experimental verification of your hypothesis, touching the cause of the aberrant phenomena observed in your parlor, and would act accordingly.

Now, in this suppositious case, I take taken phenomena of a very common kind, in order that you lot might run into what are the different steps in an ordinary process of reasoning, if yous will only accept the trouble to clarify information technology carefully. All the operations I take described, yous volition see, are involved in the mind of any human of sense in leading him to a conclusion as to the grade he should take in society to brand practiced a robbery and punish the offender. I say that yous are led, in that case, to your conclusion past exactly the aforementioned train of reasoning equally that which a man of science pursues when he is endeavoring to notice the origin and laws of the almost occult phenomena. The process is, and always must be, the aforementioned; and precisely the same mode of reasoning was employed by Newton and Laplace in their endeavors to discover and define the causes of the movements of the heavenly bodies as yous, with your own mutual sense, would employ to detect a burglar. The just difference is that the nature of the inquiry being more abstract, every step has to be almost carefully watched, so that there may not be a single crevice or flaw in your hypothesis. A flaw or scissure in many of the hypotheses of daily life may be of little or no moment as affecting the general correctness of the conclusions at which we may arrive; simply, in a scientific research, a fallacy, swell or pocket-size, is always of importance, and is sure to exist in the long run constantly productive of mischievous, if non fatal results.

Practise not allow yourselves to exist misled by the mutual notion that an hypothesis is untrustworthy simply because it is an hypothesis. It is oft urged, in respect to some scientific conclusion, that, later on all, it is merely an hypothesis. But what more have we to guide united states in ix-tenths of the most important diplomacy of daily life than hypotheses, and often very ill-based ones? And so that in science, where the prove of a hypothesis is subjected to the most rigid examination, we may rightly pursue the same form. You may take hypotheses and hypotheses. A human may say, if he likes, that the moon is made of green cheese: that is an hypothesis. Just another man, who has devoted a great deal of time and attending to the subject, and availed himself of the most powerful telescopes and the results of the observations of others, declares that in his opinion it is probably equanimous of materials very similar to those of which our own world is made up: and that is also but an hypothesis. Just I need non tell you that there is an enormous difference in the value of the two hypotheses. That one which is based on sound scientific knowledge is sure to take a respective value; and that which is a mere hasty random guess is likely to have but fiddling value. Every great step in our progress in discovering causes has been made in exactly the same way as that which I accept detailed to you. A person observing the occurrence of sure facts and phenomena asks, naturally enough, what process, what kind of performance known to occur in Nature applied to the detail case, will unravel and explain the mystery? Hence you have the scientific hypothesis; and its value will be proportionate to the care and abyss with which its footing has been tested and verified. It is in these matters as in the commonest affairs of applied life: the guess of the fool will be folly, while the guess of the wise man will contain wisdom. In all cases, you lot see that the value of the result depends on the patience and faithfulness with which the investigator applies to his hypothesis every possible kind of verification.

Word Questions

1. Summarize Huxley's main point in 4 words.

2. Huxley says: "Probably in that location is non one here who has non in the course of the twenty-four hour period had occasion to ready in motion a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing of form in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena." To support this statement, he goes on to discuss the generalization that green and hard apples are sour. Can you lot give a like example from your ain life?

3. Terminal night your scooter worked perfectly well. This morn, information technology won't offset: yous kicking the starter, and aught happens. a. Give one plausible hypothesis for this failure. b. propose one experimental exam of your hypothesis.

4. In Huxley's views, are some hypotheses better than others? Why or why non?

General terms to know

Induction : Report the examples and make a general constabulary.

Deduction : We already have a full general police force and we apply it to a item state of affairs

Hypothesis : Tentative constabulary, supposed police, caption non even so been proved.

Verification : Confirmation, experimentation/ checking whether something is accurate or not/ formulate a theory.

Syllogism : A train of arguing or reasoning in which two statements are used to bear witness that the third statement is true.

Major premise : All human beings die.                 All hard and green apples are sour

Pocket-size premise : I am a human being.                   This apple is besides difficult and sour.

Conclusion : Therefore I must die.                   Therefore information technology must be sour.

Q. Explicate syllogism with reference to we are all scientist?

a.             syllogism refers to the train of arguing or reasoning in which two statements are used to prove that the third statement is truthful. Syllogism can exist categorized into three major parts. Those 3 major parts are:

Major premise, minor premise, conclusion

In this chapter " we are all scientist" written by T.H. Huxley, the author have tried to convey a bulletin that each and every one of united states has the potential to go scientists, to get individuals of swell intellect and logic, and have given many examples to show similarities in the functioning of each of a minds. In this essay, he has likewise used the term syllogism, and explained information technology, to further elaborate and testify his point. He has given a uncomplicated example of difficult and green apple. In this instance, he points out that if you were to have a bite from and apple which is hard and green upon observation and you find it sour, and if yous were to once again echo the same procedure with like ascertainment so, upon meeting the aforementioned circumstances for the 3rd fourth dimension, you would avoid eating apples that are difficult and green, for you would have already come to a decision that hard and green apples are sour. Then, showtime of all y'all accept performed the operation of induction with experiences of having tasted hard and green apples which plow out to be sour and then you grade a general law that says, " All hard and dark-green apples are sour". And, when you come up across still another difficult and green apple, you apply this general constabulary to this particular situation. So, finally you come to a conclusion that, that particular hard and dark-green apple must exist sour.

                In this way, the writer has employed syllogism to explicate that each of us has the ability to perform induction and deduction whether 1 is a scientist or a person with simpler profession. The writer further explains that upon encountering several other cases with like reasoning, you would get in at your concluding determination that you would non have that hard and green apple. But the author fails to take into account that some people like to eat green apples even if information technology is sour. The examples put forth a belief that all people hate light-green apples which is a grade of fallacy. But his examples does portray the nature of syllogism and even if i were to like or dislike difficult and green apples, the logic or decision that we come beyond would be same.

                This essay tries to bring forth a lot of normal circumstance to show that even a common man has the power of induction and deduction comparable to that of a scientist. By employing syllogism to explain a simple case of hard and green apple, the author has made it easier for everyone to sympathize the principles of his philosophy. For the readers, the prospect of knowing that we're all been using such railroad train of reasoning comparable to keen intellects is as delightful as when the hero in one of MOLIERE' S plays had felt on being told that he had talking prose during the whole of his life.


Literary comprehension:

                Scientists work past using consecration and deduction; ordinary people apply inductive and deductive reasoning without knowing the technical terms. At that place is no more difference mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person. Nosotros study particular examples and derive a general law by inductive method. Having tasted two hard and green apples, y'all make a general law that a hard and light-green apple is sour. In inductive method we already take general law so nosotros apply information technology to a particular situation the hypothesis is founded on a long railroad train of inductive and deductive reasoning. The hypothesis founded on strong scientific noesis volition be of tremendous value, but the hypothesis haphazardly created is of little value. Since, the method and procedure of reasoning i.e. mental operation of a scientists and an ordinary man is aforementioned, we are all scientist or potential scientist.


The hitting point the author makes is that we should not be scared of technical jargons/terms, in our daily life. We say that the guess of wise contains wisdom and the guess of the fool is foolish/ stupidity. We demand to verify hypothesis and general law under dissimilar circumstances for confirmation.

Disquisitional thinking:

This essay is actually a charming essay. Though information technology was written long back, information technology is still worth praising from different angles. The author presents the nature of science and it's similarities to ordinary experiences in a crystal clear style.


                This essay has turned to be very informative to me. After going through this essay, I clearly understood the technical terms like induction, deduction, hypothesis, verification and syllogism. I realized those scientists are ordinary beings like us. Merely scientists observe the things in delicate manner. Ordinary people opt for jerky and superficial observation. This essay has heightened the level of my confidence and inspired me to make minute observation of the things to explore reliable information by reasoning like scientists.

Sorry incorrect number


The play begins with Mrs. Stevenson who is sick since 12 years before trying to contact her husband but, she fails to do so as she receives busy bespeak. She then tries to contact him through an operator. Merely accidently she overhears the conversation of a professional killer with the information of an intended victim. When she overhears this conversation this conversation she never suspects that she could be the victim and assumes other adult female living in a place near of like to her may get murdered and then, she tries her best to become this bulletin to the officials outset through operator, so through the chief operator until she finally tells the killer's plot to sergeant Duffy. Until that bespeak she never thought that she could be the intended victim merely when sergeant Duffy suggest if she could be that victim then her anxieties start to grow. Though she initially dismiss this possibility, equally she receives a telegram from her husband mentioning that he would not return home that night, then her fear starts to abound and she begins to doubtable the most trusted person she knows. Afterwards that she badly tries to find a trained nurse to keep her company only in vain. Ultimately, when the killer arrives in her business firm, she fearfully tries to seek help through the phone just she fails and is thus murdered exactly in same manner as the killer, George had initially planned.

This play tries to reverberate on life in faceless, fragmented, modern American cities. The writer has portrayed Mr. Stevenson as an individual in such guild who has developed a mentality that even his own wife  could be brunt to his decorated life and thus requiring to hire professional person killers to eliminate her from his life. This play is a testimony to inhuman and cold blooded nature developing in such modern guild.

This play has been able to capture the reader'south undivided attention through its portrayal of truthful and harsh realities in many big, advanced cities. It makes u.s. question whether humanity could prevail in such societies. Initially what turned out to be a woman trying to contact her caring husband, the plot then drastically ends with the murder of the very woman as planned by her husband. Such mystery, suspense and thriller make this play quite an interesting read.

I enjoyed reading this one act play for it absorbed me through its interesting plot. It gave me a vivid picture of some inhuman and cold blooded nature of human that could exist many modern cities. However, it is not plenty to judge the entire people of such societies with this unmarried testimony. What I learned is that, it is possible to exist betrayed by fifty-fifty the most trusted people you lot know and 1 must exist constantly vigilant virtually your environment, especially when you are in such a various and mod city.

Q> is pitiful wrong number is a realistic play? Is it possible, for instance for a caller to accidentally eavesdrop a conversation between two other parties? Is it possible for Mrs. Stevenson to never fully grasp that she is the intended victim? 2010 supplementary

                This is an entire realistic play. This play vividly reflects true characters and extremely busy life of people living in the advance mentioned in the play. A hectic duty makes the policeman tried and doesn't seem much interested in his duty. Even infirmary has no trained nurses to send to care invalid person in the night. Mr. Stevenson finds his married woman as a brunt and hires professional killers to murder her. A kind husband turns out to be and then inhuman, cold blooded and callous.

                It may exist sometimes possible for a caller to accidentally overhear a conversation between 2 other parties when there is problem in network or the telephone is non in right guild.

                It is possible for Mrs. Stevenson to never fully grasp that she is the intended victim. She has been sick for 12years. She is totally confined in her room. Her husband is so loving, caring and agreement. She never thought that her married man could do such cold blooded human action to eliminate her.

Q> what makes the plot of the story, 'sorry wrong number' captures the reader'southward undivided attending? 2006-8marks

The plot of sorry incorrect number, which is centered on a single character i.e. Mrs. Stevenson, has been able to capture the reader'due south undivided attending. There are few important factors that have contributed to this.

                First factor is Mrs. Stevenson's personality, feelings and unusual condition. She is a self centered woman who spends near of her time within her habitation alone day and nighttime, has hired a maid to look after her and expects her husband to admire her all the time. it is her weak wellness that has resulted in this condition since she took ill twelve years earlier. Equally a result of her invalid state, she is always curious about her hubby for she feels that every bit her husband is crazy about her, he should take care of her all the fourth dimension, Mrs. Stevenson makes this plot interesting because we go to observe the behavior and feelings of people in invalid state and learn how people feel when the fear of expiry is approaching.

                The 2nd factor in making the plot interesting is the dual state of 'trust and betrayal' in this play. Mrs. Stevenson initially assumes that her husband is all crazy about her and ever adores. As her husband has been taking intendance of her since twelve years before, he is causeless to be the near trusted person for Mrs. Stevenson. However, as information technology turns out, her husband is the bodily mastermind behind her murder. Her hubby'south true nature reflects the life of her for twelve years, he eventually may have thought of her as a burden in his busy life. And so, he turns out to exist the person hiring professional person killers to eliminate her, which can be found vaguely in the plot. This dual attribute of trust and betray does make the plot interesting and deplorable besides.

                The third gene in managing to obsess reader'south undivided attention is its hair rising suspense. Initially what turned out to be a woman trying to contact her hubby, the plot so drastically ends with the murder of the very woman past her unsuspected husband. At first, when Mrs. Stevenson overhears the conversation of her murderer, she never fifty-fifty assumes that she could be the intended victim. Just as she starts having conversation with other people on the phone, her anxieties grow and when Sergeant Duffy suggests if she could be the intended victim, the uncertainty that she could non be the victim grows. So, she aimlessly tries to reassure herself that she is safe by trying to contact her husband but in vain. Then her fearfulness reaches all high when she receives the telegram of her husband telling her that he would not be coming home. Later that she desperately tries to find a trained nurse to go on her visitor simply that too in vain. Ultimately, when the killer arrives in her house she fearfully tries to observe help through the telephone but she fails and is thus murdered. Then, the fashion the suspense is presented of who the victim is, who the killer is and what happens to Mrs. Stevenson all successfully manages to capture the reader'southward attention.

                So, pitiful wrong number is indeed an interesting play and has actual as a commentary on life in faceless, fragmented, modern cities.

Ballad of the landlord:


This poem talks about the discrimination and injustice faced by a black tenant in the hands of his white landlord and white authorities at large, though the tenant has reminded the landlord of the dilapidates state of his flat such as a leaking roof and broken steps, the landlord pays no need to his request of mending them and, instead, merely comes and orders to pay the hire. Even when the tenant talks of paying more than the required amount for carrying out his asking, the landlord, instead, gets angry at the tenant's refusal to pay at that instinct and threatens to get eviction orders and throw his article of furniture in the street. This makes the tenant also furious and he also threatens to beat up the landlord if he carries out such atrocities. And, simply considering of this, the tenant gets arrested and jailed for 90days in county jail without bond and thus, gets portrayed every bit a bad person instead.

                The poet has interpreted the afro American bitter experience in the hands of white people though this ironic and sarcastic ballad. The abuser i.e. the landlord gets celebrated through his triumph over the driveling, black tenant, which portrays the injustice and discrimination faced past black people in white biased society.

                From this poem, I become to learn the bitter and harsh life experienced past the black people through this account of ordinary life of a black tenant. Information technology is disheartening to larn that fifty-fifty the authorities who have the duty to maintain law and order could make such a wrong and biased judgment on an innocent person and even the media, which should exist of un biased nature, could farther attack the victim, all in the name of racism. Thus, I believe it is necessary for each and every one of united states of america to stand united and fight against such evil starting from the grass root level, like the abuse of black tenants in the easily of white landlord, for the sake of a only and equal social club.

Q> what irony is implied in the championship of the poem?

The satirical and protest poem, "Ballad of the landlord", itself has a very ironical title. For, what unremarkably should have been the ballad of there, in actually, this ballad turns out to be that of the villain through the championship of this poem, the abuser i.e. the landlord gets celebrated through his triumph over the driveling I.e. the black tenant.

                In this poem, nosotros find that a black tenant is being mistreated by his white landlord by only asking for regular rent payment without giving proper basic intendance, repair and facility to his rented room.  The landlord evidently doesn't notice it necessary to heed to his tenant'south problem for he has biased feeling towards black people, and so, he thinks that it will be fine just neglect his problem. And sadly, even the authorities that is supposed to provide police and order equally to all citizens irrespective of their color goes against that black tenant and passes a biased judgment of xc days in jail without a bail for merely raising his vox against the injustice he faces. So, ironically, the one who should have been punished i.e. the landlord is let become free whereas the one who should have gotten justice i.e. the black tenant is persecuted unfairly. Fifty-fifty more grim reality is that the media, the printing, which is supposed to represent all people, as turns out to be the prime representative of biased feelings towards black people through its widespread biased reporting.

                This verse form portrays the injustice and discrimination confront past black people in white biased society through its simple portrayal of the unfair treatment faced by a black tenant from his landlord and white authorities at large. The irony unsaid it the title of the poem does its level best to present this grim reality.


This powerful protest poem was composed by Langston Hughes, an afro American poet. He tries to prove the plight of the American blacks who are sadly handcuffed by the concatenation of segregation and suffering from police brutality. The poet presents a confrontation between blackness tenant and white landlord to unveil the bitter reality.

                There is a leakage in the roof of the tenant. The steps have been broken down. The tenant has already informed the landlord nearly this, he pays no attending to the problem of the tenant. But he asks for rent. The tenant says that he will take got more than his 10 dollar if he repairs the roof and the steps, instead of repairing, the landlord says that he will get expulsion order and throw the tenant's furniture in the street. Hearing this the tenant gets very angry and says if the landlord go enraged, informs the police and gets him arrested accusing him of disobeying law and order equally well every bit trying to ruin the regime. The newspaper makes the headlines the next twenty-four hour period explaining the tenant threatened the landlord and is put in the jail term of iii months. He cannot come out on bail because he doesn't have money.

                This poem vividly shows the extreme racial injustice existing in highly democratic country similar America which is also known as the nation of possibilities and opportunities. Needless to say, the Negros is languished in the dark corners of American club being deprived of unalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

 Love is a fallacy


                A fallacy is a mistaken reasoning.  A fallacy is a type of argument that may seem to exist right just on observation proves to exist simulated. Fallacies are pitfalls into which whatsoever of us may stumble in our reasoning. Constant intellectual vigilance is required to avoid fallacy.

                This story, "love is a fallacy" is a very funny and ironic story. The narrator of this story is Dobie Gillis who is presented equally an arrogant character. All three characters including this narrator are police force students of academy of Minnesota. The narrator's disability to realize his own hypocrisy in gaining a trophy wife through treachery reflects his misogynist action and behavior. In fact, the writer used hypocrisy sexism and logic to create wonderful tale of college students.

                Polly is presented as a beautiful dumb daughter. In fact, she is a fallacious woman. Dobie thinks that he is superior to his roommate Petey Bellow. Polly desperately wants raccoon glaze considering anybody who is prestigious had a raccoon coat at that time. In fact, Dobie is infatuated with Polly.

                Honey is a fallacy because it cannot be deducted from a set of given premises.


Hypoerisy+ sexism+ logic = a fantastic tale of college students.

Fallacy is an thought which many people believe to be true, but which is in fact turns out to be simulated considering information technology is based on incorrect information or reasoning. So, fallacy is a mistaken reasoning. In this story "dearest is a fallacy" we find an big-headed leading character, Dobie, trying to gain Polly, a impaired but beautiful girl, as his trophy from his very roommate Petey, an equally dumb guy. To do this, Dobie endeavors to teach polly about many fallacies of logic to make her his trophy wife simply in the end, he fails to realize the fallacy that existed in his infatuation or love for Polly and all the logic he taught her was back fired on him in unpredictable means.

                This story is a very humorous and ironic story. The narrator of this story, Dobie Gillis, tries to take advantage of his roommate's Petey Blare'southward, demand for a raccoon coat by unfairly trading information technology for Polly with whom Petey is in dearest with. Even though realizing the unethical demand by Dobie, Petey agrees to his condition for as it turns out in the end that it was polly who had first asked Petey to wear it. So, this proves that petey is in love with Polly from his center. Whereas Dobie just want to ain Polly equally he believes she tin can be a successful married woman for him as a successful lawyer. Dobie is just infatuated by polly'due south appearance for she is a dumb daughter so, he tries to teach her logic to smarten her up, for ironically in the finish, she presents her logic for going steady with petey in such a manner that fifty-fifty Dobie couldn't practise anything with his encephalon that he referred it to be as powerful equally a dynamo.

                So, in the stop, Dobie is beaten at his own game, that he thought he best played, by the very novice he thought to dominate. Also, the hypocrisy displayed by Dobie in trying to teach logic to Polly by stealing her from little in club to brand her his trophy wife justified the reason for him beingness dumped by Polly in the end. It was a truly deserving consequence for an arrogant and hypocrite person like him, and his thought that he was no longer Pygmalion but Frankenstein highlighted the fact that his arrogance and hypocrisy had no boundary. So, a person similar him getting dumped past a vey unexpected person was ane of the best and funniest moments of this story.

                Love is a fallacy because information technology can't be deduced from a set up of give premised. Dobie learned information technology the hard mode in this story for he faced an embarrassing end. So, I learned that we shouldn't presume love as something that we can gain in a logical or scientific fashion merely beloved is something which requires more understanding of people'due south true middle and intention which can never be fully understood. I also learned almost the fallacies of logic which of course is quite useful in figuring out the flows in reasoning and at times in other'south hypocritical statements.

Holy sonnet


In this poem, an anguished speaker is making a desperate cry to urge god to brand him a new homo. He wants to be lifted upwardly from the mire of sinful activities.

                This poem makes a theme near the poet's human relationship with the god. The content, construction and figures of spoken communication the poet uses in this verse form revealed to the reader'due south the depth and complexity of god, the poet's refers to god as, "three personed god" an allusion to the bible and its teaching of god as the father/ godhead+ Jesus/ god the son, as a kind and good shepherd and the holy spirit as i/ trinity. The poet doesn't want god actually to beat out and corruption him but rather the poet is using words in an exaggerated way to convey the poet's deep felt desire and ache. This is the reason why he had used outlandish and tearing imagery. He has an extreme desire to have god transform his life.

                The poet wants to be complimentary from the devil, his sins and all of his weakness. He has fabricated every possible try merely failed. He knows that his heart needs firsthand help from god. He makes it sure that he is sinful to the core and unless the god does a powerful work in his heart, he will never change. However, if he allows this loving god to exercise whatsoever information technology takes, even if it ways pain and loss of his liberty, he knows god can bring him into a shut, loving relationship with him and make him into the person he should be.

                So, he can pray, "Batter my centre", 'pause', 'blow', 'burn', 'imprison', 'enthrall me' and 'ravish me' he has used very coarse and outlandish linguistic communication for he knows god is pure, male monarch and just. He trust the god with his very middle, soul and life.

Third Thoughts

A humorous story past E.5 Lucas…

Making critical analysis

Critical thinking

                Edward verrall Lucas was a versatile writer of United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. He was one of the highly accomplished and respected prolific writers.

                Tertiary idea is a psychological story that elaborates how 1'due south thoughts and feelings keep changing constantly. The narrator exhibits himself as a corking idealist when he is able to make an unexpected turn a profit and becomes a realist when he loses most of his money in a game of a bridge.

                The title of the story "Third Thought" is very significant. The meaning of the title lies in the irony of the finish, the narrator when eventually in consonance of his thought is well-nigh to human activity on it, looses much of the money in the game of bridge. And so, the end is the bitter irony of our thought, plans and ideas.

                Mainly we derive ii major themes from the story. They are:


The irony of realism


The theory of cognitive contribution

When our thoughts and actions are in contradiction, we have to try our best to fix them through the procedure of rationalization.

                Ownership and selling is the perfect direct forwards matter between dealer and customer. A dealer tries to become as much as he can from the customer and the customer doesnot have any kind of obligation whatsoever to the dealer after he pays the toll. Business organisation is done for turn a profit which is an universal idea. Human service is not much taken into account in this context.

Q>What exercise y'all mean by monologue? ………the point of this narrative resides not in bargaining with collectors but in bargaining with my own soul. Explicate.

A monologue is when the character may be speaking his/ her thoughts aloud, directly addressing another grapheme or speaking to the audition. Monologues are common beyond a range of dramatic media such a plays, films etc. The term monologue was primarily used to describe a form of popular narrative poetry sometimes comic, mostly sentimental or dramatic. The characters would interruption out or denote their thought to themselves. Information technology is distinct from soliloquy which is where a character relates his/ her thoughts or feelings to him/herself and to the audition without addressing whatever of the other characters.

                The narrative of this story is a monologue. The narrator comes beyond series of thoughts bargaining with his own soul than with others. How he made his customer purchase his painting for l pounds is not very important in the story with the plot and event. The important betoken is how he constantly kept sharing the profit with the dealer. He was very quixotic in the beginning. In fact, information technology was his foolish idealism equally he kept thinking, he came down to one pound to share but somewhen he could non share any amount. He becomes a realist as he loses much of his money in the game of bridge. In this connection, after pondering over his idea the narrator says "….the points of this narrative resides not in bargaining with collectors but in bargaining with my own soul."

The great answer

Q> what might oursler say well-nigh the narrator of third thought?

                'The swell answer' written past Fulton Oursler gives an account of the refugees trying to flee the secret German Police following. The Nazi armies into France during World State of war II and the kind of journey they undertook and then that they can cross the high Pyrenees Mountain, aboard a send in Spain and finally get safely to America. In this chapter, nosotros tin find the human activity of pity kindness, courage, leadership also equally the decision to move ahead in life.

                In this affiliate, the mother and her child, who are such refugees, are approached by a mysterious person who wants to guide them over the mountain and downwards into Spain, and so, they undertake the perilous journey of crossing the loftier mountains with other refugees. Equally they toil higher and higher, something quite remarkable happens. The guide acting as a leader gives the oldest, frailest men, who were about to give up, the kind of spoken communication that motivates them to movement ahead. He asks them to use every ounce of energy left in their body to bear the woman's child and and then they continue the journey. Quite remarkably, every 1 of the party that had set out together was alive and well, and even those old men had new spirited perspective to live.

                I believe " the nifty reply to the riddle of life" that the writer mentions is that each and every i of us have the ability to achieve and reach our destination but at times, we are faced with difficulties that can strand us off our course to our destination and it is in such situations that one requires the kind of motivational speech or assurance of brighter hereafter that enables them to reach success in their goal. 'When going get tough, tough become going'. We shall empathise this argument well for it states a articulate fact that when you are faced with difficulties, you should not give up and should endeavor to overcome those difficulties cause in the end, once you overcome those problems, those past problems would no longer hamper your shine progression in life. Nosotros tin can find the examples of this in this story, when the quondam, frail men finding hard to walk treacherous,  high mountain later on finding that very path easier after they took the trouble and courage to conduct the woman's child.

                I, totally hold with the writer's analogy to the great answer to the riddle of life. For I also accept the believe that when we are faced with a problem we should not give upwards or give in, we should try to overcome that problem and we all take the drive inside u.s. to achieve our objectives which demand to exist awakened at times with inspiration could actually happen for this incident is based on existent accounts of our  history, the settings and  environs are quite realistic and the people have shown the act of compassion, backbone, kindness, leadership and determination to move alee which are all too familiar in respect to our lives.

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